The exceptional tool performance of sintered carbides results from their very high hardness and high compressive strength. 硬质合金材料的出色之处来源于它们非常高的硬度和耐压强度。
The paper analyzed the influence of cement-silicate on setting time and compressive strength. 分析了水泥浆液中掺入水玻璃对水泥凝结时间和无侧限抗压强度的影响。
The compressive strength and other mechanical performance can be affected by temperature stress induced under variable temperature. 混凝土在温变疲劳作用下产生的温度应力对混凝土的抗压强度等力学性能均会产生一定的影响。
By using cube compressive strength test and SEM, the inherent reason of the bad influence can be explored. 通过立方体抗压强度试验和电子显微镜(SEM)研究高含盐量对水泥土强度影响的内在机理。
The anisotropy coefficients of the uniaxial compressive strength and tensile strength of numerical simulation results are0.72 and0.24, respectively. 数值模拟结果得出单轴抗压强度和抗拉强度的各向异性系数分别为0.72和0.24;
Two similar properties are compressive strength and shear strength, related to compressive forces and shear forces respectively. 两个类似的性能分别是与压缩力和剪切力有关的压缩强度和剪切强度。
HA can enhance the compressive strength of the scaffold; moreover, it decreases the hydrophilicity of the scaffold. 纳米羟基磷灰石的加入提高了支架的抗压强度,但对支架亲水性有影响。
The principle and method of boiling process in rapid determination of fired perforated bricks compressive strength is introduced. 介绍沸煮法快速测定烧结多孔砖抗压强度的原理和方法。
Based on the test results, calculation equations for compressive strength and elastic modulus of recycled aggregate concrete were proposed. 基于试验结果,建议了再生混凝土早期抗压强度和弹性模量的计算公式。
In addition, the relationship between the fractal dimension and compressive strength is approached. 此外,对分形维数与抗压强度的关系也进行了探讨。
This paper introduces a experiment research on the effect of steel bar corrosion on concrete compressive strength. 介绍进行钢筋锈蚀量对混凝土抗压强度影响的试验研究。
This paper researched the influence of different humidity in penetration resistance method used in testing compressive strength of masonry mortar, it also put forward the revision measures. 本文对不同潮湿程度对贯入法检测砌筑砂浆抗压强度的影响进行了研究,提出了修正方法。
In this paper, evaluate the compressive strength of the corrugated carton from different aspects systematically. 本文系统的从各方面来评价瓦楞纸箱的抗压强度,研究分析抗压强度的影响因素。
It is the material with low viscosity and some certain compressive strength. 为低粘度,具有一定的压缩强度的材料。
A study on the cylinder-mould testing method for the compressive strength of the mortar with highly fine-grained sand; 设计和制作了一种用以考察钢和水泥砂浆石界面动态粘结强度的新型试件,并开展了实验和计算研究工作。
Study on Effects of Immersion Time on the Compressive Strength of Mortar and Brick Specimens 浸泡时间对砂浆及砖试件抗压强度的影响研究
This research is aimed to use pull-out test and break-off test to estimate the in-place compressive strength of concrete. 本研究乃是利用拉拔试验法与弯裂试验法来评估现地混凝土构件之抗压强度。
The effects of different temperatures on compressive strength and bulk density were studied. 主要探讨了不同的烧结温度对试样的耐压强度和体积密度的影响。
Test of concrete under high temperature and the study of residual compressive strength after high temperature; 本论文研究了补偿收缩混凝土高温性能特征,包括残余抗压强度和氯离子渗透性能。
For beam specimens, there is no obvious relation between P-wave or R-wave speed to the compressive strength. 在梁试体方面P波及R波波速与强度间也无明显关系。
Rock masses treated with it retain their original permeability and water-absorption completely and have their compressive strength greatly increased. 经它处理过的岩块完全保持了原有渗透性和吸水率,抗压强度大大增加。
The results show that the confining pressure and gas pressure have a certain extent effect on the deformation characteristics and compressive strength of CSCG. 研究结果表明,围压和瓦斯压力对含瓦斯煤样的变形特性和抗压强度都有一定程度的影响;
Effects of Silicon Carbide on the Cure Depth, Hardness and Compressive Strength of Composite Resin 碳化硅对复合树脂固化深度、硬度和压缩强度的影响
Experimental study on relationship between tensile strength and compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete 再生混凝土抗拉强度与抗压强度关系的试验研究
The influence of gypsum on compressive strength and performance of hardened paste of belite-barium calcium sulphoaluminate cement was studied. 研究了石膏对贝利特-硫铝酸钡钙水泥强度和硬化浆体结构的影响。
Study of Relevance of Compressive Strength with Splitting Tensile Strength of Recycled Concrete 再生混凝土抗压强度与劈裂抗拉强度相关性研究